Thursday, September 30, 2004

Cinematic ruminant

Arghhh! The dearth of good, recent movies in melb! You'd figure that being a metropolitan city in Victoria it'd have a wide range of movies catering to different tastes. Haha you were just being naive. Well a list of some of the movies shown: Bourne Supremacy, Terminal, Cinderella Story, Shark's Tale and blahblah. All the indie movies' premieres are way later than in spore (and you thought spore was waylaid by the censors). Love me if you dare, zatoichi, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, farenheit are showing in One cinema. Not that I've watched all the movies prior to this complaint.
Next up are the prices: eleven aussies for a movie! Well nine if you buy it from the uni's union house which for obvious practical reasons (and I suspect a scheme hatched by governmental and private commercial institutions) is closed during the school hols. So if you want your monthly cinematic fix be prepared to pay a neat sum. Otherwise there are always alternative entertainment options like: shopping, clubbing, pubbing and indulging in the cafe culture. All of which, by sheer coincidence I suppose, will burn a significantly larger hole in any city dweller's pocket.

lux at 10:04 am


Saturday, September 25, 2004

Arching back and forth

I finally made a call home in slightly over a month. My father answered the call after nearly 20 secs of incessant ringing. Somethings never change: the peeps in my family take forever to crawl their way to one of two phones. The conversation went something like this:
Me: Hello I'm Xiaohui.
Dad: Huh? Oh wait ah. [then shouts in the background to an imaginary me 'Xiaohui ah!'before realising that I wasn't at home anymore. He returns to the phone]
Dad: Erm Xiaohui is not at home.
Me: I am Xiaohui. It's Xiaohui here.
Dad: Oh! Xiaohui ah! Aiyoh so long never hear your voice already, cannot recognise it. [Nervous chuckle] Hmmm you want to talk to mama?
Me: Okay.
Mum: Papa qi sin [cantonese for crazy] one. Don't know what he's doing. So how are you?

Well, I'm fine of course. This is wonderful, your father forgetting how you sound like because you're too lazy and irresponsible to call home regularly. My friend and her mum laughed at me because prior to this embarrassing start to a call home, I was clueless as to how to use the calling card. I made a simple set of instructions seem particularly complicated and incomprehensible. I really quite am the limit.
Called a close friend after 20 minutes of chatting to my sis. Uni life for her is, apparently, quite a tiring mess too. All the readings, weekend excursions to the library and dodgy faculty mates... well encountering dodgy faculty mates seem to be an ongoing intercontinental phenomenon. To all my friends having difficulties meeting potentially good friends in your faculties: you're not alone. To all those who've met one or two good one: you're fortunate, you asses! To all those who've managed to gather a neat tight circle: you're either Potter discovering Hogwarts or Alice in Wonderland. Only time will tell.
Out of sight out of mind. I'm pretty sure some peeps back home have forgotten I ever left for Oz. I'm not bitter about this because it is inevitable. After all some peeps back home have clean slipped off my mind. In the midst of this new life I'm leading, I still find myself yearning for some familiar things from back home.
Be my Cheshire cat, darling.

lux at 1:29 pm


Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Second, third servings

Oh my lux you really screwed up your first sociology essay. Screw the crap up!
So I ate half a pack of Arnott's Custard Creams. bleurgh.
Come on vomit out all the carbo in your tummy! And your brains too! Your grey matter has coagulated into waste... glug glug glug down my oesophagus and into my tummy. So vomit it out, just choke it out!
Buy some new grey matter because when brains decay they need fresh food for thought.

lux at 9:55 pm


Wednesday, September 08, 2004

The Little Prince

You are the fox.

Saint Exupery's 'The Little Prince' Quiz.

For all those deeply touched by this simple tale.

lux at 1:30 pm


Happy birthday.

My angst tastes like...
Find your angst's flavor

Both sweet and sour, your angst stems from your sexuality; more specifically, your homosexuality. Maybe you're not yet sure and you're worrying and trying to find out more about yourself, or maybe you're pretty sure but still have trouble coming to terms with it and being honest with yourself. Maybe you haven't told anyone, or maybe you have and people aren't taking it well. It's sad that such a thing can still have potential for some of the worst angst there is, but as long as you stay confident and positive, you can get through anything. By nature, you and your angst are unseparable, but that doesn't mean you have to let it weigh you down or consider it something other than part of who you are. Remember that you are your own person and that nothing can change that.

My blog is a living online example of teenaged angst. I am nineteen but all this neurosis and rage don't seem to be letting up. Call me immature then. But sometimes all these feelings running through me make me feel young, and alive.


lux at 11:56 am


Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Slacking device

It has been a full day of not doing anything particularly productive, which was fun and fulfilling, to say the least. Three essay assignments handed in back to back. Man, I deserve the rest! There is one more up next thursday, greatest weightage to date, and the only one I have yet to get started on.
Lux ask yourself - where's the stress, oh, just where's the stress?!

lux at 3:22 pm


Sunday, September 05, 2004

Comforter for the cold outside

Things are at a stalemate now. We had our first proper conversation in weeks yesterday. Staying together is everything that is wrong. I am that domineering opinionated bitch who insists on her own way and I will not be surprised if she feels oppressed by me. This is not self-denigration, just what I honestly think I am. I believe a part of her agrees with me on this.
I stand in the bath wondering why so many things about her frustrate me so much. What is the problem with both of us? If I were her I will start thinking about how much better my friends back home are - more accommodating, understanding and caring. So we both start to run each other down, because we are getting so little personal space, and neither feel any happier after this.
I want to tell her I will never hate her after all this, that she comes closest to being my closest friend. Will such feelings be reciprocated?
I still feel like I am being pushed out of her space, the last to know anything significant in her life and hence I react by doing likewise. Am I the only one thinking so much about this, worrying about it more than I do with my assignments? Wasn't I the one who said time will resolve most issues? I realised that this is possible because I have spent so much time thinking and talking things out.
I wished things were simpler... life a little less complicated.

lux at 11:54 am


Friday, September 03, 2004


You are chill!
You are chill!

What kind of techno music are you?

You are drum and bass!
You are drum and bass!

What kind of techno music are you?

lux at 10:06 pm


Thursday, September 02, 2004


As I was walking back over the past few days I kept recalling the conversations I had with my friends back home. Each day, I remembered having chats with particular friends. It still fascinates me how I reveal a different part of me to each of my friends - they aren't vastly different but each side is waiting for someone unique to understand and accept.
I have friends here and I am starting to open up to them. But I know that even if they were to discover a new side of me, the rest of me is yearning to talk to those who are not here with me. I can recall the conversations we used to have not so long ago and they comfort me, yet remembrances are weak substitutes for a physical presence.
... Someone visit me!

lux at 8:24 pm
