Saturday, November 13, 2004

For flowers: the bruises after the rain

Today I experienced my most intense taste of melbourne's infamous capricious weather.
First the rain was whipped into sheets by huge winds and poured down terribly on the city.
Then the skies paused. The sun shone.
It was an hour of cool balmy respite.
Then it poured, this time with the full works. There was thunder, incessant rain and... hail. My first time seeing hail. cool. and it's cool only because I am inside my apartment watching ice pelt the panes. Poke, poke, poke. Now I am thinking that the small balls of ice cream from Mini-Dots (if I am not mistaken) back home were invented when hail triggered a brainwave in their creator's mind. Hail got me excited - when am I going to see bigger ones? When am I going to be got out cold, in the open, with no brolly and only hail-balls keeping me company?
Then it is sunny once more and there is rain.

Now it is sunny still. But no rain.
Ice cream anyone?

lux at 3:09 pm


Thursday, November 11, 2004

The nature of rain

I lurve it when it rains. After it has ended it leaves this wonderful smell in the air which clothes the buildings and roads and trees and grass and flowers it had touched not too long ago. Something like a cool and unmistakeable aftershave.
I smell it now in my apartment and it sends me into this tizzy where I just want to get into bed, shuffle under the sheets with my bolster and huddle to dewy dreamland. The clouds hang low and grey and the moisture hugs the city snugly. When hot tom yum soup and a few hot savoury buns taste so good.
When rain and food become the tightest memories of home.

lux at 2:33 pm


Tuesday, November 09, 2004

junk in the bunk

sign fine dine wine
all the junk in my tummy!!
all the funk junk in my tummy!!!

possibly the only decent i had in the past few days were pink lady apples. simply addicted to those stuff, crunchy sweet and light. detox after exams! detox after these damned essays!
two exams and an essay to go!
to my tummy: if you think you can make me eat all this junk to satisfy your cravings... you're dead wrong cos lux's detox will be back with a vengeance!

ah and why is ripway screwing up my blog template?!!

my my what's with all these exclamation marks?

lux at 1:00 am


Wednesday, November 03, 2004


I feel like whacking to bits. They apparently deactivated my account so with no webbie to host my .gif files, my blog no has red crosses in place of slick images. I have no intentions of spending hours scouting around for a new template so please blady ripway, get your owners' butts moving right.
Been blog surfing and I have realised how far apart my friends' lives back home and mine have become. I silently fear the moment when I meet up with each of them and we sit down to talk, and I realise how difficult it can be to engage with them. University has dragged us in violently different directions. I miss them and family and food (of course) but at the same time I think I have lost touch of many things Singaporean. What is frightening is I feel neither insecure nor upset with the way things have turned out. I do not even really mind remaining clueless as to how sporean university life is like. My friends here say when they returned home in the first semester break, they found it disconcerting that they actually preferred spending holidays with their melburnian friends.
Well guess things somehow turn out this way.

lux at 4:39 pm
