Saturday, November 13, 2004

For flowers: the bruises after the rain

Today I experienced my most intense taste of melbourne's infamous capricious weather.
First the rain was whipped into sheets by huge winds and poured down terribly on the city.
Then the skies paused. The sun shone.
It was an hour of cool balmy respite.
Then it poured, this time with the full works. There was thunder, incessant rain and... hail. My first time seeing hail. cool. and it's cool only because I am inside my apartment watching ice pelt the panes. Poke, poke, poke. Now I am thinking that the small balls of ice cream from Mini-Dots (if I am not mistaken) back home were invented when hail triggered a brainwave in their creator's mind. Hail got me excited - when am I going to see bigger ones? When am I going to be got out cold, in the open, with no brolly and only hail-balls keeping me company?
Then it is sunny once more and there is rain.

Now it is sunny still. But no rain.
Ice cream anyone?

lux at 3:09 pm



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