Monday, May 30, 2005

Spider solitaire

me fave pasttime on the comp when i get tired of starin' at torrent d/l rates & messin' ard with msn messenger. clickin' on a deck of cards, draggin' them fr one pile to another till ya get a complete suit... how i wished life's as orderly! its not some mindless clickin' game like minesweeper mind ya there's lotsa thot and method involved here okie?
i think my addiction to spider solitaire can be attributed to whats left over of my obsessive compulsive behaviour. no more arranging shampoo and bath bottles in the bathrm so the labels all face the same direction. no more arranging pens in popular bkstore by brand and colour and type. or arranging dosh in my wallet... notes by denominator coins by size. no no no now i do spider solitaire. I arrange the cards in order, one by one, stack by stack, suit by suit. It is all to do with organisation. Woe betide if I fail!
and of course i do. whatdidya think? i'm playin' agst the comp for gdness sake...
no one's perfect!

lux at 12:22 am



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