Tuesday, April 05, 2005

M(ind). C(rash). Escher

Three nights ago I had my first bout of insomnia in Melbourne. [Not that I am going to celebrate every first-of from now on because there will be many more to come and not all are worth thinking over.]
Well it was routine for me: the clock hands inched towards one a.m., I hit the sheets dutifully, curl up and begin to ease into slumber. I watched the trees shake terribly as gusts of wind swept through the neighbourhood. The leaves rustled restlessly. I couldn't stop thinking about the things that went on earlier in the day - grabbing a thorny stem with my left hand, hiking in my sneakers, eating Viet in Footscray, having an intense conversation with a good friend... So while the winds blew I kept on staring through the venetian blinds at the swaying trees, my mind working overtime.
I stared and my mind moved. Closing my eyes I could see my thoughts gaining visual form. They started morphing into tessellations, one moulding itself after the other. They clung to each other, moving endlessly, never seeming to end. Three hours later and I could still feel my brain organise itself into tiles. Defragmenting its bytes.
The crow cawed. I wanted morning to come so I could wake up. When I awake the whole ordeal will end.
I awoke to the sounds of raindrops hitting the window. The crow was cawing again. The trees were still swaying under the weight of the wind. At least there is rain... there is reason behind it after all.

lux at 10:25 pm



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