Wednesday, March 30, 2005


My blog's in a lull now - possibly a reflection of my mental state - and a night having to force your body to move to crap music doesn't help at all.
The day after becomes a series of attempts: an attempt to get up before the clock strikes twelve noon, the attempt to clean up the system of toxins by downing herbal rosehip tea, the attempt to rationalise my procrastination and inability to turn out a good art history essay on the passion of christ (more pathetic still it's only 400 words), and attempts to fit in a kickboxing lesson, risotto-making session, movie marathon, bedsheet-buying outing and weekend hike at the Grampians into what's left of my ill-planned easter week hols' timetable. And most importantly, deliberate on my regrettable decision to attend Reclaim, bad bad bad music and dancing, even though I knew it was all the to see and be seen hype and nothing esle.
There comes a time when you grow up, realise that time and money can be better spent eslewhere (even if it's 30 bucks for a night of eating cheese on crackers), and when you, unreasonably, think it's foolish how underaged teens can bob merrily (and awkwardly) to crap.
A blog entry later and I'm still not ready for that essay. Shit man.

lux at 12:06 pm



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