Thursday, August 26, 2004

I've got phelgm in my throat!

It must be the pollen that comes with spring. Those evil little creatures which float in the air before clinging on to unsuspecting passers-by and crawling down to their lungs and then.... Ahhh ha ha Chooo! Now I am down with a sore throat and a fluey nose.
I haven't been eating properly the past few days. Food out or food which has sat in the fridge for over a week. The nutrients have all leaked straight out into the air and not into my system.
Guess what? My roommate has gone vegetarian! She didn't even tell me directly. I only happened to find out during a dinner at a friend's place when she announced that was the last time she will be touching meat. My mouth just dropped wide open. No wonder she refused to share the chicken breast meat I bought from the market earlier that day. I am supposed to be her closest friend this side of the continent but why do I feel like I'm always the last to find out her latest earth-shattering exploits?
Slowly slowly I feel myself being squeezed out of her life.

lux at 9:43 pm



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