Monday, August 30, 2004


urgh!!! three essays due back to back - thurs, fri, mon. and one more ten days from monday. the stress! the shopping therapy! i just can't wait for the two-week sept hols. maybe then i'll be able to coo at baby penguins on philip island from a considerable distance. such is the lure of tourism!
today i bent over, head facing knees, and realised i could feel the bumps formed by my spine very clearly. at that moment i felt skeletal. so i went on a mini carbo binge with bread, biscuits and some instant noodles late into the night. i weighed myself: no change ever since i came over to oz. i don't know if i should be feeling relieved right now. i simply know that in some peeps' eyes i'm a lucky gal who eats crap but doesn't grow fat. however i also have an unflattering uninspiring figure.
right now i have to get those essays done with. so many words so little time.
nothing comes without cost. you can't have your cake and eat it too.

lux at 8:46 pm



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