Friday, July 30, 2004

One-point perspective

In art and design, where lines be they horizontal, vertical or diagonal are drawn to a vanishing point in order to create the illusion of three-dimensional space on a two-dimensional canvas.

I have friends with me. New friends yes, acquaintances yes. The sense of security you get when there are familiar faces and surroundings. I am living with all of that. I have not reached the homesickness stage of i want to go home cos there's a dark cold pit in melb that's swallowing me up.
Why do I feel lonely?
Is it because of the lies? Do not tell them when the reality is staring at my face. It hurts me more because the shadow that shrouds your face gets darker with each word you say.
Is it because of the silences? I am the actor. You are the shadow on stage hearing me perform my monologue. With every phrase I utter you will push me to the edge of the stage until I teeter and fall off.
A smile and a laugh makes it seem all so simple for me. So I will practice a smile and a laugh to perfection whilst the darkness consumes me inside.

lux at 4:27 pm



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