Saturday, July 24, 2004

Bitchin and retribution

okie so i blabbed on and on and on last night, to five peeps no less, about how me roommate's not payin' me back. how she's complicatin' matters by bringin' in the issue of internet charges, how she doesnt wanna share the margarine blah blah and blah. so i've been solitary banker for more than a week, includin' today, and yet she's bein' so nitty picky over monetary tingle-tangle. me mum said that when it comes to finance, there must be give and take. so i've been givin' so far. what abt her? she owes me, in essence, a little over 1100 aussies.
she said her dad's policin' her finances tightly. come on, it's not like i'm some high flyer either.
so i bitched on and on, and thot on and on about footin' the entire bill for grocery shoppin' today.
and then i
and bloodied my knees and hands
       tore my lurvely fcuk drawstring at the knees
and unashamedly 'Fucked' the entire walk back to arrow.

still pissed now. will remain pissed every time i wear those pants.
short fuse, big bruise

lux at 8:07 pm



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