Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Bar None

Today I attended my first psychology lecture: Social, Developmental and Clinical Psychology 1 and also my first tutorial on the subject. I could feel the springs in my brain going 'BOIngBoINGbOINg!' and getting entangled as I tried to assimilate all the scientific matter invading my head. Words like 'standard deviation','mean', 'hypothesis', 'independent variable', 'dependent variable' amongst many horrid others were like missiles, hurling themselves at me. Phwooarrrrr there is to be a make up lecture for the statistics component which second semester students like me have missed. For someone who has zilch stats foundation and is immune to the study of science for exam purposes, this is not going to be a smooth ride.
After months of deliberation and hesitation, I'm still not sure why I signed up for this course anyway. Perhaps I thought Psychology is going to be, possibly, the most economically viable degree course to take? So should I continue taking the subject? I don't see how I can last through two years of this course. Maybe I'm being immature and forming these biased opinions on the course and almost shutting it out of me head. 
To anyone reading this blog - HELP ME! Advice me by tagging on this blog, emailing me, calling me, smsing me, talking to me... anything! I have got a week to change my subject combination. Gosh I thought I'd stick to Psych, didn't know I will be considering English and Asian Studies at this juncture.

lux at 8:23 pm



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